I’m new and haven’t had a 2 girl phone sex call yet (but maybe I will have by the time this is posted! Fingers crossed!). I find girls absolutely DELICIOUS! I actually have feelings for my best friend, but don’t know if she feels the same. I’ve been so close to acting on it without thinking before. One day, we were swimming in her pool, and what’s funny is her older brother was flirting with me (I like my men MUCH older!) but I couldn’t even PRETEND to care because all I could focus on was my friend’s silky skin glistening in the sun.

She crawled out of the pool where I was sitting on the edge, and I could see the water droplets cascading from her throat down her breasts and all I wanted to do was follow their journey allllll the way down! And lick those droplets off her nipples…and follow that chlorine taste down to her belly button…and I literally had my vision blur momentarily as I imagined going further. She thought I was distracted because of HIM (and now is convinced I’m hiding from her that I’m crushing on her brother-ugh). She had on one of those bikinis where the bottom ties on the sides. All I’d have to do is pull one of those strings…and it come falling down at her perfect feet!
She’s changed clothes in front of me before, but I can’t exactly get up close and STARE at her. I have to turn away, and usually she has on panties. I just wanted to pull that string SOOO BAD when she was standing RIGHT BESIDE ME. Now, I did make a pal not long after moving to the states and one time on the playground, she pulled me into a bunch of Honeysuckle bushes and kissed me. I didn’t see it coming, but looking back, I guess our play together WAS a bit more intimate than the play I’d watched between other girls. Her kiss was so warm and SOFT.
She pushed her tongue into my mouth (which I was more than happy to allow) and it felt so soft and squooshy, but moved in such a graceful, slow way. I know I responded and remember feeling my tongue slide over her teeth…and THEN hearing the teacher’s whistle and our private bubble of pleasure exploded. She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the bushes, pulling me along while giggling as we ran back to get in line. I felt like I didn’t even have time to savor the experience. That was my first kiss, and it was practically cut short before it had barely begun! We never spoke about it, and that summer she moved. I felt crushed in a way–some NEW way. I didn’t know how to explain it at the time. But I know now that she was my first love.
As much as I love older men, which, trust me, I do!!!, there’s definitely a certain spot they just can’t fill (no matter HOW big their dicks may be!). And I’ve been CRAVING a fella to set up a 2 girl phone sex call so I can have the best of BOTH WORLDS! I have my eye on a few of the girls on here that really interest me. I’d be happy for ANY, but if he would let me pick…omg that would be such a blast!
My bestie and I have had a free gaff this weekend but I had to leave when her parents got back tonight. I was sooooo hoping maybe something would happen! She DID listen in to a couple calls and even said hello to one fella. When she heard me moaning and saw me touching myself, I saw her face change. She kept shifting in her seat…but she didn’t leave. I think she liked it! We slept in the same bed both nights, but she never initiated anything, so I’m just not sure.
Maybe if she hears me have a 2 girl phone sex call, she’ll get jealous….or maybe just hearing me talk about it and how amazing it was, she’ll know it’s safe to let me know if she likes me. Buuuuut if not, at least I can explore my sexuality with another girl over the phone! The Honeysuckle kiss was AGES ago, but it’s the only REAL memory I have to cling to and relive! I need MORE! If you’re sweet enough to let me pick the girl, or maybe give you my top choices?, email me (IrishMaidenMoira@gmail.com) and I’ll even send you an extra picture as a thank you!!!!! I can’t wait!!!